Author Guidelines
Abstract contains a brief description of the problem and research objectives, methods used, and research results. The main topic of abstract writing is mainly on research results. Abstract written in Indonesian and English. Abstract typing is done single-spaced with narrower margins than the right and left margins of the main text. Keywords need to be included to describe the area of the problem being studied and the main terms that underlie the implementation of the research. The maximum number of words in the abstract consists of 150-250 words. Keywords can be single words or combinations of words. Number of keywords 3-5 words. These keywords are required for computerization. Searching for research titles and abstracts is made easier with these key words.
Abstract (Cambria 10, Bold, spacing 1, spacing before 12 pt, after 2 pt)
Keywords: content, format, article.
Al-Mabsut invites you to write articles with the following conditions:
1. The articles that are prioritized are studies that are concerned with the disciplines of Islamic and social studies. Islamic studies can include aqidah, tasawuf, interpretation, hadith, ushul fiqh, fiqh, and so on. Then for social science disciplines include cultural studies, humanities, politics, economics, law, education, history, culture, health, science, technology, and so on which are associated with Islam both in its normative dimensions, namely as doctrines and teachings, as well as in its historical dimensions. : Muslim culture, Muslim society, Islamic institutions, Islamic organizations, and so on
2. The article is typed one space with A4 paper size.
3. The length of the article ranges from 10 to 15 pages.
4. Articles must include abstract and keywords
5. Article references are written in footnote and bibliography format with reference to the style adopted by Al-Mabsut. When a reference is written for the first time, complete reference information must include: full name of author, full title of reference in italics, place of publication, name of publisher, date/year of publication, and page numbers cited. For subsequent citations with the same reference, include the last name of the author, two or three words of the full title, and the page number cited. Ibid. maybe it can still be used, but not with op.cit. nor loc.cit. Example: In footnote:
1. Mircea Eliade, ed., The Encyclopedia of Religion (New York:Simon and Schuster, 1995), 24.
2. Norman Daniel, Islam and the West (Oxford: One World Publications, 1991), 120.
3. Eliade, ed., The Encyclopedia, 28.