Abstrak: Dalam penyusunan buku siswa perlu diperhatikan dan berhati-hati dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspeknya, seperti kesesuaian penggunaan kurikulum dan tema, serta ketepatan alokasi waktu pembelajaran. Tak jarang konten dalam buku yang menjadi bahan ajar memiliki kekurangan sehingga perlu ditelisik lebih dalam demi dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Masalah yang dirumuskan dalam penelitian di antaranya (1) apakah konten pada Buku Siswa SKI Kelas IV MI terbitan Kemenag tahun 2020 telah sesuai dengan KD yang telah ditetapkan? dan (2) bagaimana dampak mengenai kesesuaian atau ketidaksesuaian konten dengan KD yang ditetapkan Buku Siswa SKI Kelas IV MI terbitan Kemenag tahun 2020 terhadap pencapaian kompetensi siswa? Penelitian ini berguna untuk menyingkap kesesuaian konten pada Buku Siswa SKI Kelas IV MI terbitan Kemenag tahun 2020 dengan KD dan dampak mengenai kesesuaian atau ketidaksesuaian konten dengan KD dalam Buku Siswa SKI Kelas IV MI terhadap pencapaian kompetensi siswa. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data; (1) studi kasus dan (2) studi literatur. Dalam menganalisis data melalui tahapan; (1) pengumpulan data, (2) reduksi data, (3) penyajian data, lalu (3) melakukan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan penelitian menyatakan bahwasanya konten dalam Buku SKI Kelas IV MI terbitan Kementerian Agama RI tahun 2020 beberapa yang sudah cukup sesuai dengan KD, namun beberapa kurang sesuai. Harapannya guru harus aktif, kreatif, dan inovatif dalam menyusun dan merancang proses pembelajaran dan tak hanya berpatokan pada materi yang tercantum pada buku guna dapat memfasilitasi siswa secara optimal dalam rangka tercapainya KD.
Kata Kunci: konten, buku siswa, ski, kesesuaian, kompetensi dasar.
Abstract: In the preparation of the student's book, it’s necessary to pay attention and be careful to several aspects, for instance, the suitability of the use of curriculum and themes in addition to the accuracy of the allocation of learning time. It is not uncommon for content in books that are teaching materials to have shortcomings, so it must be explored more deeply to meet the learning objectives. The question formulated in the research is: (1) Whether the contents of the Students' History of Islamic Cultural Book of Class IV Islamic Elementary School have been in accordance with the established Basic Competencies? and (2) How does the correspondence or inconsistency of the content with the Basic Competencies set by the Students' History of Islamic Cultural Book of Class IV Islamic Elementary School affect the achievement of student competence? This research is useful to reveal the suitability of the contents in Students' History of Islamic Cultural Book of Class IV Islamic Elementary School with the Basic Competence and the impact on the suitability or non-appropriation of content with the Basic Competence in the Students' History of Islamic Cultural Book of Class IV Islamic Elementary School on the achievement of students’ competence. The approach used is qualitative, with two types of data collection techniques: (1) case studies and (2) literature studies. In analyzing data through stages: (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data presentation, and finally (3) conclusion drawing, The results of the research stated that the content in Students' History of Islamic Cultural Book of Class IV Islamic Elementary School edition of the Ministry of Religion RI in 2020 has been sufficiently in accordance with Basic Competence, but some are less appropriate. Teachers are supposed to be active, creative, and innovative in formulating and designing the learning process and not just focus on the materials listed in the book in order to optimally facilitate students' development of Basic Competencies.
Keywords: content, student's book, history of Islamic culture, suitability, basic competence.
Copyright (c) 2023 Dwi Ariyanti, Munawir Munawir, Nayli Okta Dwi Pratiwi
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