Author Guidelines
- Articles are free from plagiarism.
- Articles are the results of quantitative, qualitative, or library research that have never been seen in bold or bold forms
- Articles with authentic themes, have rationality, and answer questions about the latest language and literature.
- Research themes include studies; a. aspects of child development, b. early childhood education,
- and early childhood education technology.
- The entire writing of the article consists of the title, author, sales, email address, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
- The entire writing of the body of the article consists of about 3500-6000 words using Ms. Words; typeface Arial, size 12, page setup; Margins: top 2.5, bottom 2.5, left 3, right 2.5, and Paper Size A4 with a space that is adjusted to each sub body of the article.
- If the writing is in Arabic, the typeface is KFGQPC Uthman Thaha (16) with single spaces for the entire article in the body of the article.
- The citation model used is the Chicago Manual of style 17th edition (complete notes) for citations in footnotes and reference lists (preferably using reference managers: Mendeley or zotero).