
About this Journal

Original Title Al Mabsut : Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial
English Title Al Mabsut : Islamic Studies and Social Journals
Short Title Al Mabsut
Abbreviation Al. Mabst. J. Std. Isl. Sos.
Frequency 2 issues per year (March and September)
DOI 10.56997/almabsut by  
Online ISSN 2502-213X
Print ISSN 2089-3426
Editor-in-chief Hanifah Hikmawati
Publisher Institut Agama Islam Ngawi
Language English, Indonesia
Citation  SINTA| Google Scholar | Garuda

Al-Mabsut : Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial is a journal managed by IAI Ngawi. In addition, the Al-Mabsut journal has two printed and online versions (ISSN:2089-3426 - E-ISSN: 2502-213X). Al-Mabsut is a journal that contains the study of Islamic and Social sciences. Studies that concentrate on the Islamic sciences (Aqidah, Sufism, Tafsir, Hadith, Usul Fiqh, Fiqh and so on) and also contain studies of politics, economics, law, education, history, culture, health, science and technology associated with Islam both in its normative dimensions (as doctrines and teachings) as well as in its historical dimensions (Muslim culture, Muslim communities, Islamic institutions and so on. Currently, Al-Mabsut journal gets SINTA 5 Accreditation based on Certificate Number 85/M/KPT/2020. All manuscripts submitted to the editorial board will be reviewed by the reviewer and the selection of manuscripts is based on considerations of writing quality, originality, and contribution to science.




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